

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

फरीदाबाद. ईएसआई अस्पताल व डिस्पेंसरी

फरीदाबाद. ईएसआई अस्पताल व डिस्पेंसरी के विकास को लेकर सोमवार को एनएच-3 ईएसआई हास्पिटल में अस्पताल विकास कमेटी व विभाग के प्रमुख चिकित्सा अधिकारियों के बीच बैठक हुई। इसमें कमेटी के मेंबरों ने ईएसआई अस्पताल व डिस्पेंसरी में डॉक्टर, स्टाफ व दवाओं की कमी व कार्डधारकों की परेशानी का मुद्दा उठाया। 

उन्होंने अस्पताल व डिस्पेंसरी को बंद कर कॉरपोरेशन द्वारा टेकओवर करने की मांग की। उन्होंने ईएसआई अस्पतालों में डॉक्टरों की लापरवाही व तानाशाही को भी खत्म करने की मांग की। बैठक में ईएसआई हेल्थ केयर के सिविल सर्जन डॉ. एनके बंसल, जिला चिकित्सा अधीक्षक विजयमाला बंसल, कमेटी के मेंबर बेचू गिरी व सचिव ओपी संदूजा मौजूद थे। 

गिरी ने कहा कि अस्पताल व डिस्पेंसरी में डॉक्टरों व स्टाफ की भारी कमी है, ईएसआई कार्ड धारकों को काफी परेशानी झेलनी पड़ रही है। जब अस्पताल में डॉक्टर नहीं हैं, स्टाफ नहीं हैं, दवाएं नहीं हैं तो इससे बेहतर अस्पताल पर ताला लगा देना चाहिए। 

डॉक्टरों की तानाशाही 

कमेटी के मेंबरों ने कहा कि कई डिस्पेंसरी मंे डॉक्टर अपनी सीटों पर दो घंटे भी नहीं बैठते। डिस्पेंसरी में स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं का भी बुरा हाल है। न दवाएं मिलती हैं और न डॉक्टर रहते हैं। उन्होंने मांग 
की कि समय-समय पर डिस्पेंसरी का निरीक्षण किया जाए और ऐसे डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई की जाए। 

उन्होंने नोएडा की तर्ज पर ईएसआई अस्पतालों को अपग्रेड करने की मांग की। स्टाफ की कमी दूर करने की भी मांग की। उन्होंने कहा कि ऐसा करने से मरीजों का सही इलाज हो पाएगा और मरीजों के बीच अस्पताल की अह
मियत भी बढ़ेगी।

ये भी उठाई मांगें 

विकास कमेटी मेंबरों ने सेक्टर-55 में डिस्पेंसरी खोलने की मांग की। उन्होंने जवाहर कालोनी डिस्पेंसरी का वहां से शिफ्ट करने की भी समस्या रखी, क्योंकि बारिश की वजह से डिस्पेंसरी के अंदर पानी घुस जाता है। इससे वहां अव्यवस्था का माहौल है। डॉक्टरों को छह दिन व छह घंटे के हिसाब से पैनल पर रखने की मांग भी की। सीएमओ डा. बंसल ने विकास कमेटी की मांगों पर समाधान करने का आश्वासन दिया। उन्होंने कहा कि वे समय-समय पर डिस्पेंसरी व अस्पताल का निरीक्षण करेंगे। अगर कोई खामी मिलती है तो उस पर एक्शन लिया जाएगा।

Monday, July 18, 2011

Reasons Why Marriages Fail

Some of the Reasons Why Marriages Fail 
#10 - Not Doing the Little Things - Movies show marriages as grand loves. But, in the real world, marriages are made up of the little things - taking out the trash, picking up the kids from school. If there are frusterations over the little things, it can erode the whole marriage. 

# 9 - Sweating the small stuff - As a counterpoint, if you stress out over unimportant things, you are dooming your marriage to the dumpster. 

#8 - Spending too much time apart - If friends, work, or hobbies take too much time away from your marriage, the bonds can begin to erode.
#7 - Criticizing and nagging - These two things can eat away at the soul of a marriage. 

#6 - Not consulting the other person about purchases - The family budget must cover the family needs. If one person makes purchases that significantly impact the overall budget without consulting the other person, there is going to be hurt and anger. 

#5 - Letting yourself go - You spent a considerable amount of effort pursuing and attracting your spouse. That effort shouldn't have ended on your wedding day or soon thereafter. If you are no longer working to make yourself attractive to your spouse, you must assume that he or she will look elsewhere. 

#4 - Playing the victim - Is it always his fault? Did she make you do it? If you feel like you are the victim in the relationship, it probably won't last much longer. 

#3 - Not fighting fair - You are entitled to your legitimate feelings, but when disagreements occur, you must keep your arguments real and relevant. Avoid character assassination. Remain task oriented rather than accusatory. And, allow your partner to retreat with dignity. 

#2 - Spilling secrets - There are things in your marriage that should only be between the two of you. When you tell your friends or family members about things that shouldn't be shared, you erode the bonds of the marriage. This is a matter of trust. 

#1 - No sex - When the sex has gone out of the marriage, the relationship is in trouble. Unless you can rekindle the flame, you are probably headed to divorce court. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Engineering Colleges of Haryana

Engineering Colleges of Haryana

Following are the Engineering colleges and institutes in Haryana
List displays all Engineering colleges in Haryana with the degree offered by them. Eligibility criteria and course duration is also mentioned.

Degree / CourseCollege / InstituteStateEligibilityCourse Duration
BE / Btech. - Agricultural EngineeringMaharishi Dayanand University, Chotturam State College of Engineering, Murthal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Architectural EngineeringRegional Engineering College(REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Chemical EngineeringAL Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kotbilla, Panchkula.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Chemical EngineeringSwami Dayanand University, Choturam State College of Engineering, Murthal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Chemical EngineeringJPML Institute of Engineering, Yamunanagar.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Chemical EngineeringRegional Engineering College(REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Civil EngineeringRegional Engineering College(REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringAL Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kotbilla, Panchkula.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringYMCA Institute of Engineering, Sector-6, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringBaba Mastnath Engineering College, Rohtak.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringVaish Engineering College, Rohtak.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringHaryana Engineering College, Court Road, Jagadhari.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringAl-Falah School of Engineering and Technology, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringRajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology and ManagementEducation, Kanehi, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringNew Engineering College, Hisar.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringMaharishi Dayanand University, Chotturam State College of Engineering, Murthal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringLingaya's Institute of Technology, Ashok Enclave, Sector-37, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringApeejay College of Engineering, Sohna, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringMM Engineering College, Ambala.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringHaryana College of Technology, Kaithal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringHindu College of Engineering, Sonepat.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringSwami Dayanand University, Choturam State College of Engineering, Murthal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringJPML Institute of Engineering, Yamunanagar.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringCareer Institute of Technology, Sainik Colony, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringInstitute of Technology, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringShri Krishna Institute of Engineering, Kurukshetra.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringPD Memorial College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Computer EngineeringRegional Engineering College(REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electrical EngineeringVaish Engineering College, Rohtak.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electrical EngineeringHaryana Engineering College, Court Road, Jagadhari.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electrical EngineeringRajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology and ManagementEducation, Kanehi, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electrical EngineeringLingaya's Institute of Technology, Ashok Enclave, Sector-37, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electrical EngineeringApeejay College of Engineering, Sohna, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electrical EngineeringMM Engineering College, Ambala.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electrical EngineeringHaryana College of Technology, Kaithal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electrical EngineeringHindu College of Engineering, Sonepat.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electrical EngineeringSwami Dayanand University, Choturam State College of Engineering, Murthal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electrical EngineeringJPML Institute of Engineering, Yamunanagar.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electrical EngineeringRegional Engineering College(REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringAL Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kotbilla, Panchkula.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringYMCA Institute of Engineering, Sector-6, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringBaba Mastnath Engineering College, Rohtak.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringVaish Engineering College, Rohtak.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringHaryana Engineering College, Court Road, Jagadhari.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringAl-Falah School of Engineering and Technology, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringRajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology and ManagementEducation, Kanehi, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringNew Engineering College, Hisar.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringLingaya's Institute of Technology, Ashok Enclave, Sector-37, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringApeejay College of Engineering, Sohna, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringMM Engineering College, Ambala.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringHaryana College of Technology, Kaithal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringHindu College of Engineering, Sonepat.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringSwami Dayanand University, Choturam State College of Engineering, Murthal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringCareer Institute of Technology, Sainik Colony, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringInstitute of Technology, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringShri Krishna Institute of Engineering, Kurukshetra.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringPD Memorial College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication EngineeringRegional Engineering College(REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics EngineeringJPML Institute of Engineering, Yamunanagar.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Industrial EngineeringRegional Engineering College(REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Information TechnologyLingaya's Institute of Technology, Ashok Enclave, Sector-37, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Information TechnologyApeejay College of Engineering, Sohna, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Information TechnologyMM Engineering College, Ambala.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Information TechnologyHaryana College of Technology, Kaithal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Information TechnologyHindu College of Engineering, Sonepat.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Information TechnologySwami Dayanand University, Choturam State College of Engineering, Murthal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Information TechnologyJPML Institute of Engineering, Yamunanagar.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Information TechnologyCareer Institute of Technology, Sainik Colony, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Information TechnologyInstitute of Technology, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Information TechnologyShri Krishna Institute of Engineering, Kurukshetra.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Information TechnologyPD Memorial College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringAL Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kotbilla, Panchkula.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringYMCA Institute of Engineering, Sector-6, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringBaba Mastnath Engineering College, Rohtak.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringAl-Falah School of Engineering and Technology, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringRajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management Education, Kanehi, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringLingaya's Institute of Technology, Ashok Enclave, Sector-37, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringMM Engineering College, Ambala.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringHaryana College of Technology, Kaithal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringSwami Dayanand University, Choturam State College of Engineering, Murthal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringJPML Institute of Engineering, Yamunanagar.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringCareer Institute of Technology, Sainik Colony, Faridabad.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringInstitute of Technology, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringShri Krishna Institute of Engineering, Kurukshetra.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringPD Memorial College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mechanical EngineeringRegional Engineering College (REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Metallurgical EngineeringSwami Dayanand University, Choturam State College of Engineering, Murthal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Metallurgical EngineeringRegional Engineering College (REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Meteorogical EngineeringRegional Engineering College (REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mining EngineeringSwami Dayanand University, Choturam State College of Engineering, Murthal.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Mining EngineeringRegional Engineering College (REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Production and Instrumentation EngineeringHaryana Engineering College, Court Road, Jagadhari.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Production and Instrumentation EngineeringJPML Institute of Engineering, Yamunanagar.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Production and Instrumentation EngineeringPD Memorial College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Production and Instrumentation EngineeringKurukshetra University, University Science Instrumentation Centre, Kurukshetra.HaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE / Btech. - Production and Instrumentation EngineeringRegional Engineering College (REC) KurukshetraHaryanaClass XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent4 years
BE - Computer EngineeringTechnology Institute of Textile, Birla Colony, BhiwaniHaryanaClass XII. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / BSc. / Diploma in Mechanical / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Maintenance Engineering4 years
BE - Textile EngineeringTechnology Institute of Textile, Birla Colony, BhiwaniHaryanaClass XII. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / BSc. / Diploma in Mechanical / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Maintenance Engineering4 years
Diploma in Aeronatutical EngineeringDronacharya Institute of Engineering, Plot No. 1, Sector 4, Gurgaon.HaryanaState Polytechnic-Level Diploma3 years
Diploma in Architecture EngineeringDronacharya Institute of Engineering, Plot No. 1, Sector 4, Gurgaon.HaryanaState Polytechnic-Level Diploma3 years
Diploma in Computer EngineeringDronacharya Institute of Engineering, Plot No. 1, Sector 4, Gurgaon.HaryanaState Polytechnic-Level Diploma3 years
Diploma in Electrical EngineeringDronacharya Institute of Engineering, Plot No. 1, Sector 4, Gurgaon.HaryanaState Polytechnic-Level Diploma3 years
Diploma in Electronics EngineeringDronacharya Institute of Engineering, Plot No. 1, Sector 4, Gurgaon.HaryanaState Polytechnic-Level Diploma3 years
Diploma in Marine EngineeringDronacharya Institute of Engineering, Plot No. 1, Sector 4, Gurgaon.HaryanaState Polytechnic-Level Diploma3 years
Diploma in Mechanical EngineeringDronacharya Institute of Engineering, Plot No. 1, Sector 4, Gurgaon.HaryanaState Polytechnic-Level Diploma3 years

Please note that the list of Engineering colleges in Haryana above is correct from our best knowledge. If you see any error in Engineering degree or the address of the Engineering college or institute, please do let us know. This list is provided only for personal use.

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